Australian Native Tree and Shrub Seed


Paul and Sharon started collecting native plant seeds in 1989 and have provided seed for many important
revegetation projects in N.S.W. including R.T.A. , Mine Site rehabilitation, Greening Australia, Landcare,
DLWC and private revegetation jobs as well as the native seed trade in NSW, Victoria and Queensland.

Some of the seed they collect is used overseas but most is used to benefit the environment from which it came.




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Australian Native Grass Seed - Microlaena (Weeping Grass) - Australian Native Tree and Shrub Seed - Acacia-
Allocasuarina- Banksia- Callistemon- Cassinia- Daviesia- Eucalyptus- Hakea- Leptospermum

Species List

Environmental Consulting

Wild Windellama

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